17 August 2016


Do not pay for palaces! Social campaign launched by the ZIPSEE ' Digital Poland ". Not wages for palaces! is opposition to obscure policy management of the funds received by the collecting societies, the largest Polish organization of collective rights management (OZZ) and calls for the introduction of a uniform and transparent actions all OZZ for the benefit of artists, creators and respecting the audience culture.


Interview of the President of the ZIPSEE ' Digital Poland ", Michael Kanownika on the pages of the portal EuroActiv.pl-Fair culture, that is, about the great challenge of European Copyright law reform

-ZIPSEE ' Digital Poland "have expressed support for the idea of the Minister Glinski to transform funding model artists, the holding of consultations. the role of publishers in the prawnoautorskim chain of copyright and an exception for panoramas

-Opinion on the accounts Zkp for 2015, drawn up by an independent expert

-Organisation of the ZIPSEE ' Digital Poland "and the Marshal of the Senate Gregory Czeleja International Conference. Copyright law in the 21st century, which took place may 13, 2016. in the Senate.

Report from the Conference and requests

-Together with the Institute of Public Initiatives ZIPSEE ' Digital Poland "had prepared a research report on compliance by young Poles of copyright on the Internet:

-ZIPSEE ' Digital Poland "has to take the initiative to change the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights-request sent to the Minister to put Pat Dodson

-Market economy Research Institute Report economic impact of mobile nowoczesnychurządzeń coverage cost reprography

-Federation of Consumers has developed a consumer survey report, which was carried out in the Consumer Federation at the turn of October and November 2014, on consumer behaviour in the market of media and new technologies

-Digital Center report Project Poland: Polish collective management organizations and their financial data

-Post the Polish Chamber of information technology and Telecommunications and the importers and manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment on the "proposal for changes to the levy of 25 July 2014